The Training Centre by Ilse, owned by Ilse Frenk-Kleton, is located in Amerongen. After running a grooming salon for 31 years and receiving many dog grooming prizes it is now time to pass her knowledge and techniques to other groomers.
The modern space of the Training Centre is founded in the spring of 2015. It is specially build and has six electric grooming tables, a seperate bathing room with adjustable bath and different types of grooming equipment like i.e. a Hydrobath and Clipper Vac. A nice coffee- and lunchtable is ready for our guests. There is a shop with grooming equipment, shampoo etc of the Jean Peau company. A part of the centre is prepared for our photographer of Herodogs. Because we have enough space we are able to give showtraining. The centre is easily prepared for for lectures or other dog relaterd activities.
If you want to join one of the below activities, or organise something yourself in our centre, please contact us for further arrangements. Tel. 0031-343-460346
A workshop is, most of the times, custom made. It takes a day and is for maximum six persons, including coffee/thea and a lunch.
The groomers will work, with a skilled supervisor, on a dog to learn the techniques to bring their work for one or more parts of their grooming exam to a higher level.
Certified groomers
who want to learn more about a special breed, special technique or just want to work better are also welcome in a workshop.
Groomers who want to participate at a grooming competion can learn the tips, tricks and techniques to get a good result at the show.
Watch and do workshop
This workshop takes a day and is for maximum 15 persons, including coffee/thea and a lunch. In the morning there will be a demonstrion, for example on a poodle, and in the afternoon six people can practise this on their own dog.
This takes a day and is for maximum 25 persons, including coffee/thea and a lunch. After the theoretical part with whiteboard and hand-out the grooming of a particular breed will be shown. The participants (student groomers or groomers) watch how this breed is groomed.
Workshop 'How do I keep my dog's coat in good condition'
This is a workshop specially for dog owners and will take about 1,5 hour, including coffee/thea and a snack. The maximum number of people is six. After the theoretical part about the coat of the dog the owners will work, under supervison, on their own dog.
This will take about two hours with a break, including coffee/thea and a snack. The maximum number of people is 30. The subjects will be diverse, but dog related.
Showtraining for owner and dog
A training of a hour for maximium 8 persons. This is specially for people who want to participate at dogshows.
This training will be in the evening.
Grooming Salon
in the salon we groom dogs of our clients. This is done by Ilse and possibly with help of grooming students.
Photo sessions
Our partner and photgrapher from Herodogs can make pictures of your dearest pet or show dog. For information or an appoitment you can contact Herodogs directly.
There will be expositions of artist who make art with dogs as a theme of their work, (bronze) statues, paintings etc.
We sell grooming equipment, shampoo etc of our partner Jean Peau.
We are located at : Overstraat 50, 3958BV, Amerrongen.
